Baillonius bailloni - Saffron Toucanet

Eckelberry, D. R. 1964. Wilson Bulletin: 76(1): 5.
A Note on the Toucans of Northern Argentina

Belton, W. 1973. Auk: 90(1): 94-99.
Some Additional Birds for the State of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil

Parkes, K. C. 1988. Wilson Bulletin: 100(4): 650-658.
Colored Plates in the Wilson Bulletin, 1963 Through 1987

Remsen, J. V., Jr., M. A. Hyde and A. Chapman. 1993. Condor: 95(1): 178-192.
The Diets of Neotropical Trogons, Motmots, Barbets and Toucans

Aleixo, A. 1999. Condor: 101(3): 537-548.
Effects of Selective Logging on a Bird Community in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest